MMA Mat Covers
Our martial arts mat covers are available in all colors and sizes in vinyl or canvas. Customize your Dojo today with a mma floor cover for your facility! Order Now
Mixed Martial Arts Equipment
Vinyl or Canvas Covers
- Vinyl: 18 oz/sq yd coated vinyl with heat sealed panels and raw edges.
- Canvas: 18 oz/sq yd natural or dyed cotton duck canvas. Blind French sewn seams, triple fold hems.
Edge Treatment Examples
"Perfect fit! Can’t thank you enough!! It’s coming out beautiful!! Just got done with the floor and about to start finishing the walls!"
- Allen Jacobs

"Cover is down and fits awesome!!!"
Anu Academy of Martial Arts, Morgantown, WV
On the floor:
(1) set of 2-pieces sized: 22' x 37' 2" Light Gray ThoroShield 1850 Custom MMA Mat Cover 18 oz/sy coated vinyl w/ Velcro around entire perimeter (other 1/2 supplied as adhesive backed for customer's install on 2x4 frame) & (4) 8" diameter pole cut-outs measured on center from FRONT end (per customer supplied drawings) at 25.5", 157.75", 289.75", & 421.75" on 446" length; with 2" Velcro overlap dead-center thru poles; finished sizing.
On the posts:
33" x 72" Light Gray ThoroShield 1850 Custom Pole Wrapper 18 oz/sy coated vinyl with both 33" edges hemmed only and matched Velcro on both 72" edges (topside/backside) to attach panel as a cylinder shaped enclosure around padded 10" diameter pole.